Birding Safaris

Our company bears the name African Jacana, a name of a bird, which reflects our enormous commitment  to the world of birding. We open a whole New World to bird-watchers as well as to researchers of  all levels. Even more captivating, are our birds' guides who have a rare knack of smelling out of the  bushes, the very rare birds species like Milindi Pipit, Hindes Barbler etc

All our birds' guides are professionals with vast forest of experience behind them. Indeed, they are lectures in this field in their own right. Any field day is awash with eye-opening tips in a lively atmosphere.They remain up to date, active participants of World Bird Watch. Added to their experience is their annual participation in African Waterfowl Census.Bird ringing is yet another activity that has enriched their experience too. We are elated to note hereby that our guides are senior members of Kenya Professional Safari Guide Association